Life Cycle Modules

 Upper Sixth form presentations on the Life Cycle Models


Presentation done by Shelone Reid and Amanda Smith 

Formal Transformation.pptx Formal Transformation.pptx
Size : 0.084 Kb
Type : pptx

Presentation done by LaRaine Satchell and Carreen Walton 

Fountain Approach.ppt Fountain Approach.ppt
Size : 0.121 Kb
Type : ppt

Presentation done by Kaydi-Ann Spencer and Traci-Lee Long 

Reuse Orientation Model.ppt Reuse Orientation Model.ppt
Size : 1.909 Kb
Type : ppt

Presentation done by Ana-Stacia Barrett and Shenel Delprat 

Waterfall Approach.ppt Waterfall Approach.ppt
Size : 0.449 Kb
Type : ppt

Presentation Done by Krystn Trowers and Kerisha Witter 

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